Keywords: innovative financial instruments, foreign investments, green bonds, financial technologies, investment climate, investments


The article emphasizes that the goals of investment policy at the beginning of the 21st century intersect with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are a response to the escalation of global challenges. The study examines the tools for attracting foreign investment to promote Ukraine's economic revival. One of such mechanisms is tax incentives, a powerful tool for supporting innovation and the development of high-tech industries. In Ukraine's policy on promoting foreign investment, traditional measures include exemption from import duties and VAT for in-kind investments by foreign investors in the authorized capital of companies. Tax credits are a key state tool for influencing the overall implementation of corporate initiatives. In addition, financial incentives are increasingly used to stimulate business research, as they can support various enterprises, including small and medium-sized ones, providing them with maximum independence. It is noted that foreign investors can implement their investments in Ukraine in various ways. The absence of a state system for ensuring and protecting foreign investments, shortcomings in the legal regulation of investment activities, the lack of effective mechanisms and institutions for insuring military risks and investment projects, negative judicial practice, as well as the imperfection of bank guarantees for foreign investments - all this significantly reduces the investment attractiveness of Ukraine, as investors face high risks. Global financial trends were analyzed and promising mechanisms such as green bonds, crowdfunding platforms, venture capital funds and FinTech solutions were identified. It is emphasized that Ukraine offers foreign investors a wide range of instruments for investing in its economy. The advantages of using these instruments to support strategic industries such as energy, logistics, agro-industrial complex, defense industry, innovative technologies were considered. Recommendations were proposed for the implementation of effective strategies to improve the investment climate. To improve the investment climate, it is necessary to implement deep reforms aimed at creating a transparent and predictable business environment, developing a regulatory framework, supporting innovative initiatives, and ensuring the international promotion of Ukraine as an attractive investment destination.


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How to Cite
Haponiuk, M., & Stefanishyn, M. (2024). FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS FOR ATTRACTING FOREIGN INVESTMENTS IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 134-139.