Keywords: accounting, valuation, international financial reporting standards, value, accounting objects


In a market economy, investment is one of the main sources of targeted and non-targeted financing. To make a decision to invest in a company, potential investors need to know not only its financial condition, but also the value of its assets. In this regard, methods for assessing the value of assets have developed and improved, but its principles have remained unchanged. Any asset has a current value. First of all, it is necessary to understand what the value of an asset is and what it specifically depends on. Some assets are easier to assess than others. To assess the value of different assets, different initial data are required. Also, valuation methods that can be applied to one asset are not applicable to others. In the modern international accounting system, many types of prices are used for different categories of valuation objects, while in domestic practice, traditional methods based on documented value are the most common. However, currently there is a spread of the practice of applying methods of international accounting and reporting standards. In this regard, the category of fair value is becoming more widespread, which is considered a universal equivalent of the real value of the object being valued. Despite the fact that there is no formal legislative basis for the application of IFRS in Ukraine, a number of business entities whose shares are listed on the stock exchange or which include foreign investors, prepare financial statements based on IFRS in parallel with the P(S)BU. However, statistical data on their use of fair value, the methods of its calculation used, are not publicly discussed. Therefore, when formulating the definition of fair value and positioning it in relation to the current market value, we can only focus on foreign practice. The problem of applying IFRS 13 is the lack of control over valuation activities in determining the fair value of assets; the lack of active markets for certain types of accounting objects, especially for intangible assets; the inaccessibility of information necessary for market participants to calculate the most reliable fair value; lack of methods for calculating the discount rate for various economic situations. Currently, financial reporting is focused exclusively on fiscal authorities, the interests of investors or creditors are minimally covered. Shifting the emphasis to users - investors will make financial reporting more transparent, more reliable, the presented results - more objective, which, in turn, will increase the investment attractiveness of companies for foreign investors.


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How to Cite
Svynous, I., Turzhanskyi, V., Shepel, T., & Nikitchenko, S. (2024). FAIR VALUE ASSESSMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF THE TRANSITION TO THE APPLICATION OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 127-133. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-51-18