Keywords: depreciation, fixed assets, depreciation of fixed assets, accounting of fixed assets, analysis of fixed assets


A correct understanding of the essence of the depreciation of fixed assets allows business entities to objectively assess the residual value of assets, plan their renewal and effectively use resources. The issue of depreciation of fixed assets is especially important in the conditions of rapid technological development and growing competition, when timely replacement of worn assets and optimization of maintenance costs can become a competitive advantage. In addition, the correct consideration of depreciation is the basis for the formation of the company's depreciation policy, which affects financial indicators and tax planning. The purpose of the article is to understand the essence of the depreciation of fixed assets as an object of accounting and analytical support for the management of the enterprise's activities. When conducting the research, the following were used: analytical method - for wear classification; the method of comparison – for the analysis of interpretations of the term «wear» by modern scientists; generalization method - for forming conclusions. The approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the term «depreciation» as an object of accounting and analytical support for the management of the enterprise's activities are considered. Types of wear are defined and characterized. The semantics of the depreciation of fixed assets are understood. An understanding of the term "wear and tear" in broad and narrow meanings is proposed. The impracticality of using the term «depreciation» in its broad sense for accounting purposes is substantiated. Depreciation of fixed assets was analyzed in comparison with depreciation. It has been proven that the use of the term «depreciation» to characterize the decrease in the value of non-current assets in the process of their use is not entirely appropriate. After all, it provokes the emergence of a large number of problematic issues related purely to the semantic peculiarity of the term «depreciation» in its broad sense. In order to avoid misunderstandings related to the term «depreciation», it is proposed to use the new term «funktios» (functional depreciation) in accounting to mean «decrease in the value of non-current assets in the process of their use», which means «decrease in the value of non-current assets in the process of their functional use».


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How to Cite
Myskin, Y., Myskina, O., Ilienko, B., & Solovei, O. (2024). THE ESSENCE OF DEPRECIATION OF FIXED ASSETS AS AN OBJECT OF ACCOUNTING AND ANALYTICAL SUPPORT FOR ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 121-126.