Keywords: аccounting system, marketing activity expenses, cost management, cost budgeting, marketing activity, expense classification


The article discusses the concept of marketing expenses and outlines the imperatives that influence the formation of an accounting system for effective management of marketing activity costs. Key approaches include the development of a clear classification of expenses and analytical accounts, the implementation of accounting automation, and its integration with management and analytical software tools, as well as continuous monitoring of performance and adaptation to market changes. The study emphasizes that creating accurate and timely expense records, utilizing automated software, and implementing metrics such as ROI, CPA, and CLV are essential for optimizing costs and ensuring the high effectiveness of marketing strategies. Moreover, the article highlights the need for adapting the accounting system to market changes, the growth of digital marketing, and economic fluctuations, which enables businesses to respond effectively to new challenges and ensure sustainable development. The article identifies that the creation of an accounting system for the effective management of marketing expenses is a crucial condition for achieving competitive advantages in the modern business environment. With a clear classification of expenses, developed analytical accounts, accounting automation, continuous performance analysis, and system adaptation to market changes, companies can significantly improve their financial results, optimize marketing expenses, and increase the profitability of their marketing investments. The implementation of these approaches will allow businesses to make more informed decisions, enhancing their ability to adapt to the rapidly changing market environment. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes that the integration of modern accounting systems, capable of handling large volumes of data, with advanced analytics and artificial intelligence tools, is key to improving decision-making and gaining insights into cost-effectiveness. The growing importance of digital marketing channels, such as online advertising, SEO, and content marketing, requires businesses to consider new types of costs that need to be properly accounted for. Ultimately, the article concludes that efficient cost management in marketing is integral to the long-term success of businesses and highlights the importance of adapting accounting systems to the evolving needs of the market and technological advancements to ensure better financial outcomes.


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How to Cite
Shkromyda, V., Balaniuk, I., Kuzmin, T., & Gnatiuk, T. (2024). IMPERATIVES OF FORMING AN ACCOUNTING SYSTEM FOR EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT OF MARKETING ACTIVITY COSTS IN AN ENTERPRISE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 116-120.