The article examines the essence of financial and economic security as a component of the enterprise management system. Financial security is currently the most important component of economic security and the main basis of national security in a broad sense. It is also worth noting that financial and economic security is an important component of the enterprise management system, since it ensures the stability, efficiency and competitiveness of the business. Its proper provision contributes to the achievement of strategic goals, protects against risks and ensures resistance to external and internal challenges. It is established that the financial and economic security of an enterprise expresses the state of protection of its financial and economic interests from the influence of internal and external threats. It is proposed to define the essence of financial and economic security as a guarantee of its stability and stability, because it allows it to resist external and internal threats, ensuring the continuity of operations and the fulfillment of its financial obligations. The principles of financial and economic security management ensure the systematicity, efficiency and stability of the management process. They define approaches to the organization of protection of financial and economic interests of the enterprise, and they are also aimed at ensuring the stability of the enterprise, preventing risks and creating conditions for sustainable development. The article systematizes the principles of financial and economic security management, which allows the enterprise to quickly adapt to changes in the external and internal environment. The fundamental tasks of financial and economic security in the enterprise management system are studied and grouped. The enterprise management system is a set of methods, tools, processes and resources aimed at organizing, coordinating and controlling activities to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise. One of the key elements of this system is financial and economic security, which ensures the stability and efficiency of the enterprise's functioning in a dynamic market environment. Financial and economic security is not only a component, but also the foundation of the enterprise management system.
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