The article proves the relevance of studying the accounting and analytical support of transfer pricing at Ukrainian enterprises during the martial law. Disclosure of the essence and components of the accounting and analytical support of transfer pricing in the context of fiscal policy allowed to clarify its role in ensuring sustainable development of foreign economic activity of enterprises in the context of economic globalisation. The object of the study is the system of accounting and analytical support for transfer pricing in the foreign economic activity of enterprises. The author used the methods of theoretical generalisation, empirical research, comparative analysis, systematisation, argumentation, and comparison. The results of the study made it possible to reveal the current global trends in changes in fiscal policy regarding the regulation of controlled transactions with related parties. The analysis of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's 2024 International Tax Competitiveness Index ranking of countries made it possible to get acquainted with the best tax systems of the leading countries, in particular, with taxation in the field of transfer pricing. The scientific significance of the study lies in the identification of the main elements of accounting and analytical support in the preparation of a report on controlled transactions. The practical value of the publication lies in the formulation of recommendations at the level of the Ukrainian government to develop a programme for the gradual introduction of a global minimum tax, thereby joining the same initiative of most EU countries in 2025. The article concludes that accounting and analytical support for transfer pricing is an important component of sustainable development of foreign economic activity of enterprises, as it contributes to economic stability, social responsibility and environmental integration. It is argued that the introduction of automated accounting and analysis systems to improve the efficiency of transfer pricing management will increase the transparency of financial transactions and reduce the risk of tax conflicts between companies and fiscal authorities.
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