Keywords: competitiveness, machine building, forecasting, integral indicator, level of competitiveness


The article studies competitiveness of machine-building enterprises of Ukraine. It offers to divide enterprises into 5 groups according to the classifier of types of economic activity (KVED) of Ukraine. The forecasted (for 2024-2025) values of the indicator of competitiveness of machine-building enterprises for the 5th group (category) are presented, using various economic and mathematical models (linear, logarithmic, polynomial, power and exponential). Based on the calculations, the following results were obtained: - machine-building enterprises of the 1st category have a rapid growth rate of the forecast indicator; - machine-building enterprises of the 2nd and 5th categories have stable growth rates of the forecast indicators; - machine-building enterprises of the 3rd and 4th categories have low growth rates of the forecast indicators. For a more complete generalisation of the calculations carried out, the machine-building enterprises were ranked according to the criterion of existing and potential levels of their competitiveness (from the highest to the lowest). It is determined that in the reporting and planning periods of the study there are no unambiguous trends in the competitiveness rating of machine-building enterprises, in particular - enterprises of the 1st group occupy the last positions in the reporting periods (2021-2023), but their highest level of competitiveness is forecasted in the planning year 2025; - enterprises of the 2nd group occupy average positions in the reporting periods (2021-2023).), but their potential level of competitiveness is forecast to deteriorate, especially in 2024; - Group 3 enterprises occupy average positions in the reporting periods (2021-2022), but their potential level of competitiveness is forecast to be the worst in 2024-2025; - Group 4 companies are ranked above average in the reporting periods (2021-2023), but their potential competitiveness is forecast to be the worst, especially in 2025; - Group 5 companies are ranked first in the reporting periods (2022-2023), but their potential competitiveness is forecast to worsen, especially in 2025. The presented calculations of the projected values of the competitiveness levels of machine-building enterprises (especially for the 4th category) are probabilistic (i.e., forecast), but can serve as a basis for further use in the development of various concepts and support programmes at the state and regional levels.


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How to Cite
Samofalova, M. (2024). FORECASTING THE LEVEL OF COMPETITIVENESS OF MACHINE-BUILDING ENTERPRISES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 85-94.