The recreational potential of the Carpathian region is an important element for the development of tourism, improving the economic situation in the region, and enhancing the quality of life for local residents. Enterprises in the Carpathian region possess significant resource potential that can contribute to improving their economic position by increasing production volumes, expanding areas of activity, developing the agricultural sector, and ensuring the country's food security. The aim of the article is to explore and justify the conditions for the effective development of the recreational potential of the Carpathian region. The article discusses the concept of recreational potential and identifies aspects that can influence the effectiveness of recreational activities. The main aspects include not only natural conditions but also socio-economic, ecological, and technological factors. It is demonstrated that achieving the effective development of recreational potential requires the creation of appropriate conditions, including ecological stability, infrastructural modernization, and the integration of local communities into tourism processes. The importance of innovative approaches in the use of natural resources, the development of tourist infrastructure, and the stimulation of investments is emphasized. The formation of conditions for the effective development of the recreational potential of the Carpathian region is an important step towards ensuring sustainable economic growth, improving the quality of life for local residents, and preserving natural resources. Considering natural, socio-economic, ecological, and technological aspects is key to creating a balanced strategy for the development of recreational activities. The results of the research can be useful for theoretical and methodological developments in the field of recreational potential development and will serve as a foundation for implementing the acquired experience in the management of recreational resources in the Carpathian region.
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