• Iryna Cherevan Kyiv University of Market Relations
  • Yuliya Kovalenko State University “Kyiv Aviation Institute”
  • Serhii Holets Kyiv University of Market Relations
Keywords: personnel motivation, motivational measures, transformation of motivational tools, motivation experience, martial law


The article is devoted to the study of the issue of personnel motivation under martial law. It aims to analyze the theoretical foundations of the formation of an effective personnel motivation system of enterprises and to substantiate the trends necessary for its transformations under the influence of the factor of uncertainty of the external environment in martial law conditions. It is proved that the system of employee motivation is a significant factor in the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market and requires transformations in the conditions of martial law, since such a situation requires a change in approaches, in particular, to communication within the enterprise, updating and revising traditional methods of motivational influence on employees. It is noted that changes in the functioning environment of Ukrainian enterprises, caused by the full-scale military invasion of russia, transform the concept of personnel motivation, shifting the emphasis to motives and incentives that will be effective in new externalities. The analysis of the transformation of approaches to understanding motivational mechanisms in the pre-war period and the conditions of modern enterprise development was carried out. It was taken into account that the set of motivational influence factors largely depends not only on the external environment but also on the psychological characteristics and characteristics of the employee. Changes in the focus of motivational measures towards ensuring safe and psychologically comfortable work of the personnel of Ukrainian companies were noted. An analysis of motivational measures used by enterprises of various economic activity spheres was carried out to promote staff motivation and ensure an effective motivational policy. The main trends in personnel motivation under martial law are substantiated, including ensuring safety measures for employees at their workplaces, providing additional opportunities for remote work in certain areas of activity, creating a favorable psychological climate, implementing socio-psychological support programs, increasing the degree of employee involvement, forming additional programs of material incentives and material assistance, providing support for employees who are in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and promoting activity in the implementation of volunteer programs.


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How to Cite
Cherevan, I., Kovalenko, Y., & Holets, S. (2024). PERSONNEL MOTIVATION OF ENTERPRISES: CURRENT TRENDS UNDER MARTIAL LOW. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 85-90.