Keywords: digital transformation, digitalization, digital product, competitiveness, competition, automation


The article examines the key role of digital transformation in enhancing business competitiveness. The author analyses the concepts of «digitalisation», «digitalisation» and «digital transformation» and identifies their differences. Digital transformation is viewed as a strategic process of fundamental changes in business, which involves the introduction of modern digital technologies, changes in business models, corporate culture and management. The author identifies the stages of digital transformation: from data digitisation to comprehensive digitalisation and radical changes in business models. The author discusses the key tools of digital transformation, including the digital canvas of the business model, business process reengineering and robotic process automation (RPA). These methods help to optimise operational processes, reduce costs and increase productivity. Particular attention is paid to digital products (software, SaaS solutions, online platforms) that help to optimise supply chains, increase business flexibility and speed of response to market changes. The importance of developing a digital culture and staff competencies to ensure the successful implementation of digital changes is emphasised. The lack of trained personnel and employee resistance to change are identified as the main barriers. Two approaches to transformation are proposed: gradual transition and rapid adaptation. Their choice depends on the level of readiness of the company for change. The benefits of digital transformation are considered: increased productivity, innovative capabilities, environmental sustainability, global accessibility and data transparency. At the same time, the risks are highlighted, including cyber threats, high costs and dependence on technology. Mitigating risks requires strategic approaches, investment in staff training and effective transformation management. Digital transformation allows businesses to adapt to modern challenges, gain sustainable competitive advantages and create new development opportunities. It becomes the basis for innovative growth, allowing companies to remain flexible and competitive in the face of dynamic market changes.


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How to Cite
Kolomoets, E. (2024). DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF BUSINESS AS A BASIS FOR INCREASING ITS COMPETITIVENESS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (4(51), 72-80.