Purpose. The aim of the article is the development of practical recommendations for increasing the efficiency of management of transaction costs as a component of economic security of agricultural enterprises. Methodology of research. General scientific and special methods of research of processes and phenomena in their interrelation and development are used in the process of research, namely: monographic (in the formulation of the purpose, tasks, subject and object of the study); a survey (to carry out research on the importance of elements of the chain of values of the enterprise); mathematical and statistical, in particular in the analysis of accounting (in the study of the internal and external environment of the enterprise); calculation and constructive (when comparing indicators); experimental method (at approbation of developed techniques). Findings. The analysis of formation of transaction costs by agricultural enterprises is conducted, the results of which show that in order to optimize these costs, it is necessary to ensure the following: allocation of transaction costs incurred in the process of product sales; carrying out the distribution of expenses not only by species, but also by the periods in which they may arise; identification of the most significant types of transaction costs, indicating the periods in which they arise; Identification of possible causes of certain types of transaction costs; an analysis of the cost of finding information that can be accomplished using the following well-known methods. It is proved that it is in this approach that enterprises and integrated economic structures will gain access to full, reliable information, and will exchange it more quickly. Originality. The methodical approaches to the formation of a system of management accounting of transaction costs at the centres of responsibility in agricultural enterprises have been improved, which will allow obtaining reliable and complete information about the internal business processes and results of the enterprise’s activity (to assess the level and dynamics of the transactional component, to plan and control, to analyze deviation of costs from planned, to form an information base for making managerial decisions) and will help increase the effectiveness of information exchange, reduce costs, prevent opportunistic behaviour. Practical value. The proposed methodological approach to determining the size and structure of transaction costs can be used in the practice of any agricultural enterprise, which will enable the reallocation of internal and external transactions.
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