The impact of international aid on the stabilization of the country's economic condition, taking into account the need for sustainable economic development, has been studied. In the process of researching the importance of the influence of international aid on the socio-economic sphere, general scientific methods were applied, in particular: comparison, induction and deduction of analysis and synthesis. It is clarified that the results of the impact of international aid on ensuring the socio-economic development of the country do not always meet expectations, which is caused by a number of problems regarding the effectiveness of the use of funds. It is proposed to use an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT Analysis) to assess the potential impact of international aid on structural changes in the economy, infrastructure development, social policy reform and Ukraine's achievement of sustainable development goals in the face of constant challenges and changes. Emphasis is placed on the strengths of international aid: the diversity of the donor base due to support from a wide range of countries, its complexity and focus on strategic partnership implemented through cooperation with international institutions. The potential weaknesses of international aid are its fragmentation and duplication, the formation of dependence and the danger of losing Ukraine's autonomy in decision-making, the risk of corruption and inefficient management. It was clarified that the most relevant additional opportunities for international aid for reconstruction and sustainable development for Ukraine are currently related to both the support of the defense potential and coordination with national strategies and development priorities. Among the threats to international aid are persistent security threats, management problems in conditions of economic instability, currency fluctuations and fiscal pressures, which can undermine the sustainability of aid initiatives, limit the government's ability to effectively use funds, introducing uncertainty and risks to the planning and further provision of international aid.
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Скрипниченко М.І. та ін. Оцінка та прогнози ендогенного зростання економіки України / за ред. М.І. Скрипниченко. Київ : ДУ «Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України». 2023. 422 с. URL:
Єгоров І.Ю. та ін. Оцінка інноваційного розвитку та структурні трансформації в економіці України / за ред. І.Ю. Єгорова та Ю.В. Кіндзерського. Київ : ДУ «Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України». 2023. 240 с. URL:
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