The article examines the concepts and properties of business processes at modern enterprises, substantiates technological aspects and the role of reengineering in the development of business processes, innovative management and marketing of modern companies. The areas of reengineering are detailed depending on the concept of enterprise management. The internal factors of enterprises that require a fundamental revision are highlighted: the concept of enterprise management in the production and personnel sphere, the inability of the company's management to adapt to innovations in the economic space and resist negative trends (limited financial resources, a low range of orders and a decrease in production volumes, an ineffective brand policy, an imperfect reserve management strategy. It has been proven that timely and effective reengineering ensures an increase in the profitability and marginality of the enterprise, by changing the management system of individual business processes or individual cycles, approaches to personnel policy and labor motivation system, ensuring high product quality. The obstacles and shortcomings of reengineering are analyzed: neglect of the company's previous achievements, inhumanity, time and material costs. Reengineering is a set of means, measures and methods, including appropriate information technologies, intended for the fundamental improvement of the main indicators of the enterprise. The successful implementation of reengineering is facilitated by the readiness of the company's management for changes, awareness of risks and expectation of a positive result. The technological scheme for the implementation of reengineering in the improvement of business process management includes the following stages: assessment of business process problems in production, substantiation of the reengineering program, determination of key aspects and criteria for the effectiveness of the program, determination of key types of activities, design and implementation of the business process restart scheme. Re-engineering of business processes makes it possible to review quality criteria with a focus on the consumer; the shortcomings of the production system are analyzed and corrected, costs and cycle time are reduced, and the level of errors is reduced.
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