• Pavlo Ostakh Classic Private University
  • Lyudmila Serhieieva Classic Private University
Keywords: innovation, investment activity, crowdfunding, crowdlending, crowdinvesting


The full-scale invasion of Ukraine significantly affected all areas of the country's life, including the economy, business, and social aspects. Despite the difficult conditions, innovation and investment can be the key to Ukraine's recovery and development. The article examines the peculiarities of innovation-investment activity at enterprises in Ukraine, examines the current state of scientific and methodological approaches to the management of investment-innovation activity in Ukraine, determines its significance and impact on the country's economy. The features of crowdfunding, crowdlending, crowdinvesting and other forms of innovative investment activity are determined and their main advantages and disadvantages are outlined. In particular, it is substantiated that crowdfunding allows you to get financing for projects that may not meet the requirements of traditional investors or banks. A classification of crowdfunding types is provided, which includes donation-based crowdfunding, reward-based crowdfunding, crowdlending/social lending/peer-to-peer lending, crowdinvesting/equity crowdfunding. The advantages of crowdlending are accessibility, speed, transparency and diversification of risks when attracting investments for an enterprise. Crowdinvesting is also analyzed - the process of attracting financing for a business by combining the investments of many people. Unlike crowdlending, where an investor provides a loan to a company, with crowdinvesting, the investor becomes a partial owner of the company, receiving shares or other securities. A modern type of financing is cryptocurrency ICO (Initial Coin Offering) and STO (Security Token Offering). These fundraising methods allow companies to issue their own tokens and sell them to investors in exchange for funding their projects. Cryptocurrency ICOs and STOs use blockchain technologies that ensure a high level of security and confidentiality of operations. It is worth noting that although new methods of financing open wide opportunities, they are also not without risks. Ways for further effective development of innovation and investment activity at Ukrainian enterprises are also proposed.


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How to Cite
Ostakh, P., & Serhieieva, L. (2024). INNOVATIONS IN INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES AT ENTERPRISES IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (1(48), 368-372.