Keywords: strategic management, human resources management, strategic human resources management, conceptual approach, innovative and creative competencies


The article focuses on the content of strategic management, defines the place of human resources in its key approaches. Modern concepts of human resource management, namely highly efficient work systems and work methods with a high level of involvement, are analyzed. This made it possible to outline that in the modern realities of the development of enterprises, innovative and creative competences occupy an important place. The author's position regarding "strategic management of human resources based on innovative and creative competencies" is argued, under which we propose to understand the model of perspective management of the enterprise by harmonizing the system of technologies and methods of the enterprise's influence on its employees in order to fully use their potential to achieve the strategic goal of activity. The article proposes a conceptual approach to the strategic management of the company's human resources based on innovative and creative competencies, the main elements of which include: the goal, tasks, prerequisites, principles, methods, strategies, objects, subjects, conceptual foundations of the formation of innovative and creative competencies, as a result of increasing the level of innovative and creative development of the enterprise. It is proposed to focus attention on the formation of innovative and creative competencies by creating a holistic field of interaction based on building a system of transformational leadership, building a corporate culture based on self-learning and the appropriate structuring of the human resources development strategy. In the transformational leadership of principals, the emphasis is on the values and principles of forming a new leadership system.In order to build a corporate culture, it is recommended to introduce measures on a systematic basis in terms of the four components of a person's personal development: spiritual, mental, emotional, physical. Among the main aspects of the content of the human resources management strategy, the following are highlighted: alignment with the business strategy, human resources planning, personnel selection and development, employee motivation and retention, performance management, diversity and inclusion management, adaptation to changes.


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How to Cite
Vasiutkina, N., Andriienko, M., & Samitov, R. (2024). STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT OF THE ENTERPRISE BASED ON INNOVATIVE AND CREATIVE COMPETENCES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 15-22.