Keywords: state control, state audit, accounting, budget planning, state institutions, state finances, expenditures, non-financial assets


State institutions implement their activities at the expense of state or local budgets, that is, at the expense of budget funds. Accordingly, control over the use of these funds is an extremely important element of the institution's effective activity. Therefore, the issue of state audit of state institutions remains relevant today not only from the point of view of the targeted use of budget funds, but also from the point of view of budget planning. Since the basis of budget planning is the efficiency and effectiveness of the implementation of budget programs, it is necessary to evaluate the activities of institutions in this direction as well. The purpose of this article is to study the specifics of the state audit and analyze the audit results with the formation of theoretical, methodological and practical recommendations for improving audit procedures. A necessary task is to generalize information about the essence of the concept of state audit in general for the institution, as well as non-financial assets in particular. According to the results of the analysis of scientific and practical literature, approaches to determining the economic essence of such concepts as state audit, state control, state financial control and audit of the activities of economic entities are summarized. The article examines the specifics of the state audit and analyzes the audit results with the formation of theoretical and methodological recommendations for improving audit procedures. In particular, measures of state financial control for 2018-2023 were analyzed by type. In addition, the number of measures taken in relation to the state financial audit was analyzed, and based on the results of the analysis, the main types and forms of violations were identified. The main areas of state audit have been systematized, taking into account the specifics of violations in various areas with the aim of effective use of budget funds and their targeted use, taking into account the fact that the strategy for the development of state audit of non-financial assets of state institutions should be based on the principles of the budget system, principles of accounting and auditing. Also, when forming a strategy for the development of the audit of non-financial assets of state institutions, it is advisable to take into account the peculiarities of public management of institutions in general, as well as non-financial assets in particular.


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How to Cite
Tsiatkovska, O., & Prymachenko, O. (2024). FEATURES OF THE STATE AUDIT OF NON-FINANCIAL ASSETS IN UKRAINE. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 302-306. https://doi.org/10.32782/2308-1988/2024-49-48