Keywords: strategic guidelines, strategy, development, life insurance companies, analysis, functions, directions


The article defines strategic guidelines for the development of life insurance companies. It has been established that the life insurance institution can play a significant role in these processes, as it performs the functions of saving, formation and use of insurance reserves as well as investment. It was noted that in the face of increased competition in the market of life insurance companies, new tasks are faced with insurers, related to the introduction in their activities of innovative business processes. It was established that unlike traditional risk insurance, life insurance companies do not provide compensation for material losses. Instead, they guarantee that the insured persons or their families will receive financial assistance. At the same time, the need for innovations insurance companies should be defined in the section of their strategic development guidelines. It was noted that according to the results of the monitoring of activities, companies in Ukraine have problems with competitiveness and financial sustainability. According to the results of SWOT-analysis and the identification of problems in the activities of companies were determined priority directions of their strategic development. It was noted that at the stage of the formation of strategic alternatives to the development of life insurance companies, the mission and goals of the company are formed, which includes: determination of the directions of development of the Company; formulation of mission, main objective and system of the whole development; harmonization of the process of development strategy. It is concluded that the definition of strategic guidelines for the development of life insurance companies involves the analysis of external and internal factors of the activities of companies, the determination of priority directions of development on the basis of the establishment of interrelationships between the constituent elements of the life insurance company environment, directions for determining the need of insurers in the implementation of innovations, the formation of a set of strategical guidelins for development. This algorithm of actions allows reasonably to make the choice of the development scenario and to form strategic guidelines.


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How to Cite
Novikova, M., Zaporozhets, H., & Bratash, M. (2024). DEFINITION OF STRATEGICAL ORIENTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANYS. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 239-244.