Keywords: creative economy, creative industries, stimulating creativity, development of creative skills, communication and interaction, flexibility and adaptability, career management for talented employees, mentoring, coaching


This article aims to identify the essence of creative industries and explore key approaches to managing human capital characterized by mobility, diversity, and a wide range of competencies. The study establishes that the creative economy fosters innovation, supports entrepreneurship, and creates new markets, contributing to economic growth. The advantage of the creative economy lies in its ability to generate original ideas and transform them into economic capital and products. Rooted in creative industries, economic activities are geared towards adding value and generating employment through cultural and creative expressions. Creative industries contribute to reducing unemployment, particularly in small businesses, thriving in specific urban environments. They seamlessly merge science and art, creativity and innovation, transcending national boundaries and fostering the creation of unique ideas. These industries are built upon principles of creativity, morality, tolerance, kindness, optimism, openness, and communicability. The article establishes that human capital management in creative industries should focus on creating a conducive environment for creativity and innovation, as well as developing the unique skills and potential of employees. Key aspects of human capital management in creative industries include stimulating creativity (creating a supportive environment for idea development, implementing flexible work schedules, and providing access to resources and technologies), developing creative skills, communication and interaction (facilitating effective exchange of ideas and information, creating spaces for collaborative creativity and interaction between different departments), flexibility and adaptability (introducing adaptive management methods that consider the specifics of creative work), creating effective motivational systems, talent management (systematic identification and development of talents within the team, establishing a career development system to incentivize and retain talented employees). The article argues that career planning and management in creative industry companies are best achieved through talent management, mentoring, and coaching.


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How to Cite
Lipych, L., & Radishchuk, T. (2024). HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN CREATIVE INDUSTRIES. Sustainable Development of Economy, (2(49), 42-48.